As the need for apartment is rising these days, it is absolutely important to consider the advantages of living in a new or old apartment. While usually in the center of the city there is only old apartment, it is somehow strtegically located near the important places like the business district or shopping center. In the other hands, a new apartment usually have the brand new furniture in a brand new building that is more convenience to live.

Before you decide whether to live in a new or old apartment, these comparison below might help you to make the wise decision for the next period of time.

  1. Location of The Apartment

The older building of apartment surely has the more strategic location compared to the new one. Although it is not always like that, since some new apartment can be build in these strategic places later in the future. But mostly the apartment that is located near the most important place is the old one. So if you are a busy businessman with a lot of working hours, it might be best to choose the old apartment that has the better location.

Meanwhile, some people loves to live in a new place. Unfortunately, mostly the new apartment is located a bit further from the business district. Especially in Jakarta where all the empty spaces near the strategic place has already full. If you are willing to live a bit further from the center of the city, then the new apartment might be the best decision for you.

  1. The Building Condition

Another important aspect to consider before you decide to live in a apartment is of course the condition of the building. You don’t want to live in the old apartment with bad maintenance. It is important to look first with your own eyes how is the condition of the apartment. Check immediately whether there is much damage to the bulding you are going to rent or is there any pests in the apartment room.

Besides, a new building can come with another problem too. Although the building is new and you don’t need to worry about any damage, you still need to check whether everything you need is already prepared and can be used immediately, like the furniture, electricity, and the water supply for a living.

  1. Apartment Facilities

Since the older apartment usually has more residents, it is obvious that they will have more facilities around it, like cafetaria, restaurants, or mini market. You don’t need to worry of having too little choices whenever you need something to eat.

While in the newer building of apartment, the residents is not as many as in the older one. You might find it challenging to find some variation of meal that you can eat in everyday life. But this should not be a problem if you love to cook by yourself or eating outside the apartment.

  1. Price and Space

Last but not least, the price and the space available is also one of the important things to consider before renting an apartment. With the wider place, comes the higher price. The price for an apartment is definitely depends on the location. Since most of the strategically located apartment is the older one, it is predictable that the price will be higher. Moreover, usually the older building has already filled with residents, so it is a bit hard to find a room that is still empty.

The apartment’s space is also one aspect to consider seriously. Always remember to verify that the space available in both of the old or new apartment is suitable for your need. While usually a newer apartment is built on a more spacious area, living in an older building is also tempting although the space is not as wide as the new one.

Lastly, everyone has their own right to decide whether they prefer to live in a newer or older building of apartment. These criteria above are just some important aspect to consider before you really decide to rent one. In conclusion, always pay attention to the location of the apartment, the building condition, the apartment facilities, and the price and space available.